Jon With A Lightning Bolt

It’s very simple

Jon Wolf
1 min readMar 16, 2020

He was not a J-O-N.
He was not a John with an H.
Not a Jonathan, and definitely not a Johnny.
When people tried to read his signature they even guessed Yon, like it was short for Yohan.
But no, he was Jon with a lightning bolt.
He spelled his name: lightning bolt-O-N.
It seemed very simple in his mind and didn’t deserve all the explanation that inevitably arose during any interaction involving the spelling of his name.
Some people asked why he didn’t just spell it normally, why go to the extra trouble?
At this point in the conversation Jon with a lightning bolt usually shocks the other person with the lightning bolt he’s holding and then it never comes up again.



Jon Wolf

Former kid, brand new old man, short fiction writer, tall nonfiction father.